Thyroid Nodules Treatment in Orlando, FL
Thyroid nodules can go undetected. If you experience difficulty breathing, hoarseness, and neck pain, then it is important to get a diagnosis to rule out indications of a serious condition. The Thyroid Place diagnoses and treats thyroid nodules. For more information and guidance contact us now or book an appointment today. We are located at 3101 Maguire Blvd Suite 101, Orlando FL 32803.
Table of Contents:
What are thyroid nodules?
How common are thyroid nodules?
What symptoms can thyroid nodules cause?
How are thyroid nodules diagnosed?
There are several types of thyroid nodules, and they can be solid or fluid-filled. They form within the thyroid gland, which is situated in the neck, above the breastbone.
A thyroid nodule is rarely serious and doesn’t cause symptoms. There is only a small percentage of thyroid nodules that are cancerous.
It is often not until your doctor discovers a thyroid nodule during a routine medical exam that you discover that you have one. It may also be detected during an imaging test conducted for another reason. However, some thyroid nodules may become large enough to be visible or make swallowing and breathing difficult.
Especially in the United States, thyroid nodules are very common. According to experts, about half of Americans will develop one by the time they’re 60 years old. There are solid cysts, fluid-filled cysts, and mixed cysts.
People may not even know they have thyroid nodules because many of them don’t have symptoms. It is also possible for the nodules to get big enough to cause problems in some cases. It is possible to treat even large thyroid nodules, sometimes without surgery.
The majority of thyroid nodules do not cause any symptoms. But on occasion some nodules become so large that they can be felt and/or seen, often presenting with swelling at the base of the neck. Shortness of breath or difficulty swallowing is caused by thyroid nodules pressing on your windpipe or esophagus.
In some cases, thyroid nodules produce excess thyroxine. Excess thyroxine can produce symptoms of an overproduction of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism). These symptoms include increased sweating, unexplained weight loss, nervousness, tremor, and a rapid or irregular heartbeat.
There is only a small number of cancerous thyroid nodules. However, diagnosing cancerous nodules cannot be done based solely on symptoms. The majority of cancerous thyroid nodules are slow growing and may be small when discovered by your doctor. It is rare for thyroid cancers to progress aggressively with large, firm, fixed, and rapid-growing nodules.
If you have problems breathing or swallowing, ask your doctor to examine any unusual swelling in your neck. An evaluation of the possibility of cancer is crucial. Seek medical attention if you are displaying any of the aforementioned symptoms of hyperthyroidism. A doctor should also be consulted if you suffer from symptoms that could indicate that your thyroid gland isn’t producing enough thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism). These symptoms include fatigue, feeling cold, dry skin, depression, constipation, and memory problems.
A doctor’s main objective when assessing a lump or nodule in your neck is to rule out cancer. However, your doctor will also want to know that your thyroid is functioning properly. They may conduct a number of different tests and exams to diagnose thyroid nodules.
When your doctor examines your thyroid gland, he or she will likely ask you to swallow because a nodule in the gland usually moves up and down when you swallow.
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can be diagnosed using tests that measure thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones.
In order to determine the shape and structure of thyroid nodules, thyroid ultrasound is the best method. There may be multiple nodules present or cysts may be differentiated from solid nodules with this technique.
It is often necessary to perform a biopsy on nodules to ensure that there is no cancer present. Cells are removed from the nodule using a very thin needle your doctor inserts in the nodule.
To evaluate thyroid nodules, your doctor may recommend a thyroid scan. A radioactive iodine isotope is injected into a vein in your arm during this test. A special camera then shows you a computer screen image of your thyroid as you lie on a table. Thyroid nodule treatment is available at The Thyroid Place. For more information and guidance contact us now or book an appointment today. We are located at 3101 Maguire Blvd Suite 101, Orlando FL 32803. We are serving clients from Orlando, FL, Winter Park FL, Fairview Shores FL, Edgewood FL, and surrounding areas!
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Hypothyroidism Treatment
▸ Nutrition Guidance
▸ Functional and Integrative Medicine
▸ Laser (LLLT) Assisted Weight Loss
▸ Low Thyroid Function Treatment
▸ Low-Level Laser Therapy for Low Thyroid
▸ Zerona Z5 For Weight Reduction
▸ Cold Laser LLLT For Hair Growth
▸ Thyroid Nodules Treatment
▸ Thyroiditis Treatment
▸ Functional Medicine Health Coaching